RIAT+ within the PREPAIR project

The Po Valley of northern Italy represents an important non attaining zone for PM, NO2 and O3. This zone covers the territory of Italian northern Regions and includes several urban agglomerates such as Milan, Turin and Bologna. The area is densely populated and heavily industrialized. Tons of NOx, PM and NH3 are emitted in the atmosphere by a wide variety of pollution sources mainly related to traffic, domestic heating, industry and energy production sectors. Another important pollution source is related to the nitrogen and ammonia cycle, coming mainly from fertilizers, breeding and farming activities. Meteorological conditions and the transport and dispersion of pollutants are strongly influenced by the morphological characteristics of the Po Valley and the northern Adriatic Basin. Due both to the meteorological conditions and the morphologic characteristics of the Po valley, the rural background concentration of pollutants are often high, while a large part of the PM is due to secondary production.
In order to further reduce the levels of background air pollution, all regions have clustered in the so-called Po Basin Board and planned actions to be taken with the aim of reducing emissions over the next years. The need of coordinated actions led the National and Regional governments to sign an agreement aimed at developing and coordinating short and long term actions for improving the air quality of the Po valley. The Po Valley Agreement identifies the main sectors where actions will be taken: biomass burning, transportation of goods and passengers, domestic heating, industry and energy, agriculture. All the regional governments involved in the agreement have their own Plans for the improvement of air quality.
RIAT+ will be applied within the PREPAIR project with the aim of evaluating the measures foreseen in the regioneal plans and in the Po Valley agreement.
For more information please visit the PREPAIR project.

Updated: 24 luglio 2019


RIAT+ at the Genova Smart Week!

From 20 to 24 November 2017, the city of Genoa will host "The power of innovation", the third edition of Genova Smart Week, a week of conferences, technical and educational workshops, expo and networking events that will be attended by national and international players to share their views about innovations for the development of a livable city. CLIMAERA project and RIAT+ application will be presented at the workshop "GREEN SOLUTIONS for the urban regeneration".
Here the workshop program.

Updated: 13 nov 2017


RIAT+ has been included in the CIVITAS Tool Inventory

The CIVITAS Tool Inventory is an online database of 100+ tools and methods that helps local authorities make better informed decisions about which planning tools to apply in their given local context. Using clear categories, advanced search functions and interactive user ratings, the dynamic inventory interface enables practitioners to easily identify the most useful tool for their needs. It features a broad range of tools and methods - including guidelines, software, manuals, mobile apps, serious games, and planning approaches - that are useful for all steps of urban mobility planning, from scenario building and measure selection to implementation and evaluation.
For more information please visit the CIVITAS Tool Inventory page.

Updated: 11 oct 2017


New SHERPA/RIAT+ Training Course

The third RIAT+/SHERPA Training Course was taken place on the 5th of October 2017 at Ispra. It has been organized by the JRC and speakers come from JRC, Terraria and University of Brescia.
For more information about the course please visit the Training page.

Updated: 05 oct 2017


Improved version of RIAT+ on line!

The most important enhancement is that now RIAT+ offers 2 installation options: one for 32-bit PC and another one for 64-bit PC. For more details please see the dedicated page.

Updated: 04 aug 2016


SHERPA/RIAT+ Training Course

The second RIAT+ Training Course was taken place on the 9th and 10th of June 2016 at Ispra. It was organized by the JRC and speakers come both from JRC and Terraria. Twenty five participants coming from various European countries attended the Course.
For more information about the Course please visit the Training page.

Updated: 11 jun 2016


SHERPA first guess in RIAT+

SHERPA first guess in RIAT+: one of the fundamental enhancement of RIAT+ tool is the possibility for a new user/Region to use a "first-guess data" (emissions, Source-Receptor models, abatement measures database) to run RIAT+ on any region in EU. The "first-guess data" is provided by the software SHERPA (Screening for High Emission Reduction Potential on Air), a stand-alone tool developed by JRC that, in addition to its main aims, solves the major issue for the new RIAT+ user: to collect all input data. Teams of both projects have been worked hard and this goal was finally reached.

Updated: 06 jun 2016


RIAT+ at AQC in Milan

RIAT+ was presented as “AN INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT TOOL TO EVALUATE EFFECTIVE AIR QUALITY MEASURES AT REGIONAL SCALE” during the Special Session - Air quality management for policy support and decisions (Room B) on 15th of March. See here the presentation.

All the participants to the Conference has been able to see a demo of RIAT+ and to have any further information at the TerrAria desk in the exhibitor space.

Updated: 22 mar 2016